
2025 Committee Meeting Dates and Locations

The best way to make the most of your BOMA membership is to join a committee and get to know other members on a more personal, one-on-one basis. To find out more about which committee might best suit your needs and personal time schedule, contact us for the inside track on getting involved.


Contact the 2024 Committee Chairs to confirm the time and location of meetings as schedules may change.

Awards, Scholarships & TOBY Awards

Meets on an as-needed basis. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:

Paris Cox
Emerald Real Estate Partners

Committee Vice-Chair:
Isaac Warner 
American Assets Trust 
(651) 269-8261

Committee Mission Statement:

The purpose of this committee is to oversee the support and recognition of both up and coming and distinguished members of BOMA San Diego through three sub-committees: scholarships, membership awards and TOBY awards. Each sub-committee strives to increase membership participation in BOMA related activities and to publicize member accomplishments within BOMA and the commercial real estate industry at large.


Meets on the second Wednesday of every month at noon. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Courtney Johnson
CCS Facility Services
(619) 226-9443

Committee Mission Statement: 
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Communications Committee is to collect and disseminate information of professional interest to the membership and to support each of the Chapter's committees through the publication of the monthly newsletter, as well as gather sponsorship and maintain the online directory.

To browse our collection of current/past chapter newsletters, please visit our news page here

Community Service

Meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at noon. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Douglas Stirling
San Diego Self Storage 

Committee Vice-Chair:

Ana Rodriguez
San Diego Self Storage

Committee Mission Statement: 
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Community Service Committee is to coordinate membership to benefit San Diego charities and the community in general, in order to maximize the visibility and public awareness of BOMA San Diego and to provide a vehicle for community service.

To see a list of Community Service Committee programs and partners, go here.


Contact the Committee Chair for meeting details. 

Committee Chair:
Liz Howeth
(617) 352-6320

Committee Vice-Chair:
Michelle Scarantino & Daphney Silver
RAF Pacifica Group 

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Education Committee is to promote the educational interests and professional development of commercial real estate property professionals.

Emerging Professionals 

Meets on the second Wednesday of every month at noon. All meetings are held in-person with a virtual option if needed. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Danni Devine
LBA Realty 

Committee Vice-Chair:
Caitlin Lacy 
Kearny Real Estate 

Emergency Preparedness & Sustainability

First Wednesday of each month at noon. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Teresa Henning 
American Assets Trust
(858) 539-9752

Committee Vice-Chair
Pearl Lai
Innovative Industrial Properties

Committee Mission Statement:
The Emergency Preparedness committee exists to identify exemplary safety, security, emergency preparedness and incident prevention practices in the commercial property field, and to provide educational resources for members about the security, life safety assessment and planning tools, as well as the range of preparedness, and mitigation/recovery options available to them.

To promote environmentally sustainable business practices in building management, encourage members to leverage Energy STAR benchmarking, and promote participation in BOMA STARS.



Meets on an as-needed basis. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Cali Bird
Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to monitor the fiscal viability of the chapter.

Government Affairs

Meets on the third Monday of every month. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Stacy Kurko
Jay Paul Company

Committee Vice Chair:
Melanie Bamba Milinkevich
RSI Roofing
(858) 503-8117

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Government Affairs Committee is to promote the interests of the commercial real estate industry through legislative analysis, advocacy and member education.

Nominating Committee

Meets on an as-needed basis. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Thor Emblem
GSH Group
(858) 717-8015

Committee Mission Statement:

Life Science

Meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Meetings are held at the BioMed Realty Corporate Office - 4570 Executive Drive; San Diego, CA 4th Floor.

Committee Chairs:
Clarissa Paschall & Catherine Christinesen

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA Life Science Committee is to promote the educational interest and professional development of Life Science property professionals.



Meets in person once a quarter on the last Thursday of the month at noon; other meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chairs:
Evelyn Martinez
Seira Melendez

Committee Mission Statement: 
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Membership Committee is to strengthen and grow the association membership through the implementation of effective recruiting and retention programs.


Meets on the first Thursday of every month at noon. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Jessica Kalloch
Bill Howe Companies
(619) 804-7457

Committee Vice-Chair:
Tae Kim

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Programs and Seminars Committee is to provide the membership with a broad range of topical and entertaining luncheon programs and educational seminars.

Special Events

Meets on the first Tuesday of every month at noon. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Brooke Wheeler
LaBahn's Landscaping

Committee Vice-Chair:
Tairyn Rasmussen
Kilroy Realty

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Special Events Committee is to produce social and networking events and to contribute funds to the organization.


Meets on an as-needed basis. All meetings are held virtually. Please contact the committee chair for the Zoom link.

Committee Chair:
Meagan Randazzo
(310) 918-9867

Committee Vice-Chair:
Angela Delgado
Paragon Services Engineering

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the BOMA San Diego Sponsorship Committee is to position BOMA San Diego as the leading voice in the commercial real estate industry.

Strategic Planning (SLRP)

Meets on an as-needed basis.

Committee Chair:
Stacy Kurko
Jay Paul Company

Committee Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Strategic Long-Range Planning Committee is to plan and organize the goals of each committee in the form of a report. The report functions as a standard operating procedure for committees.