New Member Spotlight – Monika Smutko
Thursday, August 26, 2021
by: Pearl Lai, Innovative Industrial Properties

Section: New Member Spotlight

We are so excited to highlight new member Monika Smutko and welcome her to BOMA San Diego! Monika is a District Manager at ABM who is newer to San Diego. She is part of the Government Affairs Committee and loves the outdoors!

BOMA San Diego: What is your role/responsibility at ABM?
Monika: I am a District Manager overseeing the Commercial Real Estate Facilities Engineering Department in San Diego. We are a leading engineering firm and focus on providing a safe, professional, valuable service to all of our clients in the commercial real estate field. I manage all accounts and ensure our clients are cared for and the team of engineers are supported in their roles.

BOMA San Diego: What type of buildings do you manage? 
Monika: It’s definitely a variety, which I love, ranging from office, retail, mixed-use, industrial, and some hospitality. Many of the commercial assets are downtown high-rises, biotech lab clusters, office tilt ups, manufacturing plants, and mixed-use retail. 

BOMA San Diego: Tell us about your family and pets!
Monika: I am happily married living in lovely Carlsbad, just a short bike ride away from the beach, and enjoy life with our three kitty fur babies and many house plants. 

BOMA San Diego: What was your first role and what ultimately got you interested in this field? 
Monika: I have been in leadership and business management in the real estate field since graduating from UCSB. Being in Property Management Operations as my first exposure into real estate provided great experience on how to lead a team, improve communication, learn business organization and optimization, financial analysis, problem solving, sales, customer service, and so much more. I love the real estate industry and I am enjoying meeting people here and providing great service to my clients and team members.

BOMA San Diego: What are your top three goals for joining BOMA San Diego?  
Monika: Being newer to San Diego, I would like to meet more business professionals in the industry, strengthen my skills further, and enjoy some fun activities together.

BOMA San Diego: What committees have you joined or are interested in joining? 
Monika: I have recently joined the Government Affairs Committee and I am looking forward to learning more about what it has to offer.

BOMA San Diego: What is your favorite part of the workday?  
Monika: I love the early mornings before the day has started. It gives me my quiet moment to plan my day and take care of important items. 

BOMA San Diego: What is a book you read that you would recommend? 
Monika: I enjoy anything self-improvement and I would recommend the book, The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard, as it focuses on mindset, goal achievement, self-concept, attitude, and much more. It will definitely expand your awareness!

BOMA San Diego: What is a hobby you do outside of work? 
Monika: I love to bike, hike, go to the beach, pretty much anything outdoors under the sun is my happy place.

Welcome to BOMA San Diego, Monika!