Volunteers Needed for BOMA San Diego's Annual Summer Work Party
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
by: Tiffany Cutler, Blaisdell’s Business Products

Section: Trends and Tips

BOMA San Diego's 2022 Summer Work Party

2022 BOMA Summer Work Party benefiting The San Diego Center for Children.
We are looking for 40-50 (18+) volunteers to assist with cleaning, painting, and landscaping services for the San Diego Center for Children facility. Lunch, beverages, and tools will be provided for all volunteers.

Saturday, July 16th, 2022 from 8am - 12pm

San Diego Center for Children, 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111

Volunteer registration is open to BOMA membership and family. In addition to registering, all volunteers must review and complete the volunteer form below. Please note, due to the sensitivity of the organization, all volunteers must be 18+: 

Volunteer Form: https://sandiegocenterforchildren.formstack.com/forms/volunteer 

**(when completing the form, under "Volunteer Position" write "BOMA" and under "Center Contact" write "Warren").

For more information on The San Diego Center for Children and who they help, please visit: https://www.centerforchildren.org/about-us/

For any questions regarding the SWP, please contact SWP event sub-chairs Jim Kelley at jim.kelley@landcare.com or Brad Stoner at brad@bradstonerpainting.com.

Register Here