2018 Joint Expo: Save the Date!
Friday, November 10, 2017
by: Melanie Bamba, RSI Roofing & Solar

Section: Member News

By now you’ve seen the imagery everywhere – Save the Date for the 2018 Joint Expo – March 13th, 2018. We’re doing things a bit different this year, for the first time EVER we’re excited to announce FOUR organizations have joined together to deliver the best expo yet! BOMA San Diego, IFMA San Diego, IREM San Diego and SDBEA! We know. It’s a LOT of acronyms. Here’s what they stand for: Building Owners & Managers Association, International Facility Managers Association, Institute of Real Estate Management, and the San Diego Building Engineers Association.
What does that mean? We’ve QUADRUPLED your exposure. So get this
on  your calendar today! Here’s the breakdown:
Tuesday, March 13th, 2018.
3PM to 7PM. You guessed it. Happy Hour! 
What’s the theme?
Hollywood! Interpret that any way you like. Old school. New school. Go all out.
How much?
Facility Managers, Property Managers, Building
Owners and Engineers attend for FREE!
Exhibitors: $600 per table. Tables are standard 6” wide. All vendors, associates, allied members, suppliers, etc., MUST purchase a table to attend. Only 2 attendees per company per table will be permitted. Electricity will be available for an added cost (TBD at a later date).
How can I stand out?  Limited sponsorship opportunities will be available. Stay tuned for details.
Registration will open in January 2018. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!