CRE Education Continues
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
by: Tracy Perrelle, BioMed Realty

Section: Committee Announcements

October is a month for scary things so we’re offering an opportunity to become educated on real estate financials so they don’t spook you too!  Join us for BOMI’s Real Estate Investment & Finance Course on October 26-28, 2017.  During this course, students will learn to evaluate real estate investments and gain knowledge of financial concepts that are beneficial to real estate professionals. This course applies to RPA® and FMA® designations and the PMFP certificate.  The BOMA SD member cost is $1,135 and non-member cost is $1,235.  The deadline to register is October 17. Please visit our event calendar here to learn more and to register.

Congratulations to the following students who successfully completed the Law & Risk Management course in August: Diana Castro, Karen Chu, Marcelle McAfee, Nancy Walther-Meade and Howard O'Kelly. Additional recognition goes to Diana Castro as the completion of this course signifies her completion of the RPA® designation!