Experience Exchange Report Update
Monday, March 28, 2016
by: Christy Mickel, Cushman & Wakefield

Section: Committee Announcements

There is still time to
Enter your 2016 Office EER and Industrial EER Surveys data!

The deadline to complete the EER surveys has been extended to Friday April 15


Completing the online submission form for each survey takes less than 30 minutes to do!
Remember, BOMA 360 designation participation requires the Office ERR survey.

All participants will received a complementary gift card for each property entered.
Once the survey closed, a raffle prize will be awarded to a selected winner!

Get started now at

If you have any questions, please contact either Gabi Davis at
gdavis@uniregroup.com or Christy Mickel at christy.mickel@cushwake.com


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