Education Committee Update
Friday, February 26, 2016
by: Tracy Perelle, BioMed Realty

Section: Committee Announcements

The Design, Operation and Maintenance of Building Systems I will be offered by BOMA SD March 17th  - 19th . This course provides students with information about the ongoing operations and maintenance of building systems in order to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness.  The successful completion of this course may apply towards FMA and RPA designations as well as FMC and PAC certificates.  The deadline to register without incurring a late fee is March 7th.
On April 22nd, the Foundations of Real Estate Management will begin. This five week course provides a wonderful overview of property operations and is highly recommended for those new to the industry or anyone who is interested in learning about the day-to-day responsibilities of Property Managers and Facility Managers. To find out more about BOMA San Diego’s upcoming educational opportunities or to register for a class, please visit

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