BOMA "Rehab": Fresh and Inspiring for New and Old Members Alike
Monday, September 29, 2014
by: BOMA's Membership Committee

Section: Committee Announcements

“Safe”, “Relaxing”, “Inspiring”, “Refreshing”, were just some of the terms used to describe the BOMA Brown Bagger II aka “BOMA Rehab” experience. It was a friendly, open table discussion led by Barry Garson (J & M Keystone Restoration), Michele Ignacio (A.O. Reed & Co.), and Ben Arvizu (CAM Services), but I want to take away the led part, for we just encouraged the discussions and that created this smooth environment. 

This was a great success with an intimate turnout. We had some great Associate veterans from BOMA join us to share and relate stories that directly related to new associates at this current time. There were some challenges that we all shared and were able to discuss openly, and brainstorm together to create common strategies for success. Everyone had the opportunity to share their opinions and help each other out. And, that’s what it is all about, helping each other succeed. 
We discussed the BOMA buddy system and how the impact keeps new members onboard and involved. For some insight, the biggest take away was the term “relationships” and we discussed and helped each other out on how to start them and cultivate them.  We advise you join the next one, for “rehab” with your colleagues is soothing for the soul.