Ways to Become a Principal Member of BOMA San Diego
Thursday, May 23, 2019
by: Sonia Miró, RPA Director of Property Management – San Diego Kearny Real Estate Company

Section: News

You always hear about the benefits of joining BOMA San Diego, but have you actually jumped in to see for yourself? Are you a Property Manager willing to join, but don’t have the support from upper management? Below are a few tips and suggestions on advocating your case to join!

Networking: Can’t even say enough about this - - think of all the items on your TO-DO list – all the trades you need to call for that roof leak, paint-touch up, landscape bid, plumbing repair or rodent problem! At just one luncheon, you can talk to any of these vendors and within a few minutes, you’re checking it off your list. I personally get down to business with various vendors at the luncheons - - which not only saves me time, but you get talk in person and ask questions about the work needed. You’re building relationships - - it’s a good thing!

Lunch/Event Sponsor: Many of our sponsors have extra lunch and event tickets - - so if it’s not in your budget to pay for a luncheon or event, just call the BOMA office and they can pair you with a vendor who would be happy to sponsor you!

Check your Property Leases: Most office and industrial leases allow certain expenses to be passed through in CAM – one of these is Administrative Expenses. As a BOMA Member, you are bringing value to your tenants and building owner by attending classes, getting up-to-date information on changing codes and laws, attending networking lunches where you will meet Vendor Associates who can save you time and money, and advancing your education (and career) by obtaining your RPA, FMA or SMA. This is pretty simple to defend to your property owners - so why not put these costs into your property Budget and become a member!

Hope these tips will help you...I’ve been a member for over 20 years and I can’t say enough about the benefits, both professionally and personally – so take the opportunity and join!