Building Energy Benchmarking Deadline Approaching
Thursday, May 23, 2019
by: By Patrick Kelly

Section: News

June 1, 2019 is the deadline to submit your report for California Energy Commission’s Building Energy Benchmarking Program
Assembly Bill 802 (Chapter 590, Statutes 2015) directed the Energy Commission to create a state-wide building energy use benchmarking and public disclosure program for certain buildings. The Commission's regulations require building owners to report building characteristic information and energy use data to the Commission by June 1 annually, for buildings with more than 50,000 square feet of gross floor area that have either no residential utility accounts or 17 or more residential utility accounts. Building owners report their buildings using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a free online tool provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Sounds complicated… But there is help!  Our very own local non-profit, the Center for Sustainable Energy provides no-cost, one-on-one technical support to San Diego Regional Green Business Network members.
Their Benchmarking Coaches can help you
  • Create a Portfolio Manager account
  • Add properties to your Portfolio Manager account
  • Input energy and water consumption data
  • Share your data with other people and services
  • Set up automatic data transfer with SDG&E®
  • Generate reports on your property’s data
  • Report your data under AB 802
Contact them today:

Now that you’ve got your ENERGY STAR score, need help improving it?  EDF Renewables can help you get there with solar, storage, EV charging, and energy management solutions.