You're On A New Electric Rate
Are you ready for event days? All businesses are now on a time-of-use pricing plan which means your price for electricity changes based on the time of day. Most customers are on a Time-of-Use Plus rate which provides lower prices in exchange for your commitment to reduce electricity during Reduce Your Useâ„ days - typically hot summer days. This means that from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (on any day including weekends), you’ll need to reduce your energy use. Otherwise, your electricity prices can increase up to 400%. If you are not able to reduce electricity from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on event days, you can switch to another rate. Would you like to be notified of Reduce Your Useâ„ events a day in advance? Sign up for Reduce Your Useâ„ alerts at Learn more at or You may also call SDG&E at 1.800.336.7343 to discuss the best pricing plan for your business.