2016 Annual Expo
Friday, February 26, 2016
by: Ben Arvizu, CAM Services

Section: News

BOMA Membership Committee

You've been to the circus, now it's time to give back. Join us on April 12 to celebrate Earth Day BOMA style!

This year's Annual Expo will honor Earth Day and each associate will bring a little "green" news to you at their booth. Whether it be onsite solutions in your  building, news of new trends, or just better ways to sustain your common area maintenance. It will be a day of celebrating our humble, changing environment, and discussing ways to keep moving forward to preserve it.

Be ready to meet new people and engage with the best of the best BOMA San Diego has to offer. There will be games, raffles, and grand prizes to win. All principals are encouraged to come and bring your team, colleagues, and others that may want get ahead of the curve.
We hope to see you there at BOMA San Diego's 2016 Annual Expo!

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