Now is the time of year to apply for the Principal Member Scholarship. This scholarship affords the opportunity for those working in the property management field to experience BOMA free for one year. Whether your company is small or large, has other employee members or not, this is a great way to find out if BOMA is a fit for you before making the investment.
Our hope is that you will return as a paying member the following year to continue to take advantage of the networking and educational opportunities. As a former scholarship recipient, I can tell you it was a wonderful opportunity for me to establish relationships the first year at no cost to my company, and continue to grow those relationships by continuing to attend functions and educational seminars. I was also able to enroll in courses to help me on my way to an RPA designation.
Please download an application for yourself or someone you know. You may also contact me at and I will forward the application to you. The Membership Committee looks forward to receiving your application!
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Principal Member Scholarship