Complete Your SDG&E Energy-Savings Projects Soon
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
by: SDG&E

Section: News

SDG&E® wants to remind all businesses that the California Energy Commission recently updated its Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards, which will take effect July 1, 2014. These new standards will impact all statewide energy-efficiency programs resulting in rebates and incentives being discontinued for measures required by the new Title 24 standards. For example, occupancy-based hotel room controls and lighting occupancy sensors will no longer be eligible for rebates or incentives as of July 1, 2014.

If you have current energy-efficiency projects, we encourage you to consider fulfilling the program requirements in the coming months, so your project can benefit from the existing incentives and rebates. The deadlines to qualify under existing standards, as well as more information on this topic, are available at

If you are planning an energy-efficiency project, you may qualify to earn cash incentives when you retrofit or install new equipment. And, our energy-efficiency rebates can help offset the cost of installing new energy-efficient equipment at your business. Start at

Call SDG&E’s Energy Savings Center at 1-800-644-6133 or visit to find the best energy solution for your business.